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Root Canals in Forest Hills, NY New York 11375- (866) 498-2787

The Truth About Root Canals in Forest Hills, NY New York 11375

At Forest Hills, NY New York, we have helped many patients restore their oral functionality with procedures and treatments like root canals. Read on to find out what a root canal procedure is and what you should know about it. An endodontic treatment saves a severely injured, cracked, or decayed tooth when its pulp (the soft inner tissue inside a tooth's root canal) becomes inflamed or infected. If it is not treated promptly, pain or a tooth abscess (infection) results. Endodontic treatment is also known as a "root canal." A root canal is a dental procedure that helps remove infections inside the tooth. It helps repair the damaged tooth by removing the pulp and the nerve. Once the procedure is done, the teeth are cleaned and sealed, and ready to function again like regular teeth.

What is an endodontist?

Endodontists specialize in root canals. Dentists with two additional years of training and specialized training in the care and treatment of tooth pulp and inner parts of the tooth are considered specialist dentists. Dentists often refer patients to endodontists for treatment when endodontic therapy is required. Endodontists work in close collaboration with dentists to improve oral health and restore teeth. Some common symptoms are:

Tooth or gum pain, discoloration, or prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold in Forest Hills

A tooth that is tender when it is touched in Forest Hills 11375

Pus drainage in your mouth in Forest Hills 11375

Swelling or tenderness in the lymph nodes under your jaw in Forest Hills

A tooth abscess in Forest Hills 11375

Root canal treatment involves the removal of the diseased pulp along with the tooth's nerve. Following this, your tooth's pulp chamber and root canal(s) are cleaned, medicated, and sealed. Protecting and strengthening the tooth is achieved using a dental crown.

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